About ROWW

Our Mission


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Reach Out WorldWide (ROWW) is a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit founded by Paul Walker. In January of 2010, after a massive earthquake devastated Haiti, Paul spontaneously organized a relief team that responded to the disaster. On the trip, Paul saw a gap between the availability of skilled resources and the requirement for such personnel in post-disaster situations. Upon returning from Haiti, ROWW was established with the purpose of fulfilling this unmet need.

ROWW continues to respond internationally to natural disasters worldwide ranging from earthquakes to hurricanes.

Our teams are small so that we can gather and deploy quickly. We pack efficiently so that we can carry our gear into the most remote and desperate regions. These are the people that have been excluded from the media attention and are too small or inconvenient for the larger non-profits to reach.

It would have been far easier and cheaper for Paul to put his face on an existing organization and check in from time to time, but he didn't. He chose to get dropped off from a helicopter in Haiti, during a very unstable time, without a plan in hopes to personally help those in need. He accomplished his goal and was hooked. Next, he shifted his schedule around to go to aid those in need in Chile. Again he not only funded the trip but gave his own time. After a few more deployments he was finally at peace with his profession as he knew it was allowing ROWW to exist.


Reach Out WorldWide (ROWW) is an agile group of first-responders and other professionals in the medical and construction related fields who augment local expertise when natural disasters strike in order to accelerate relief efforts. Our mission is to deploy quickly and efficiently so we are able to impact as many people as possible in the most effective way we can. We are often the first type of assistance a village/town has seen.

The foundation of ROWW was laid on personal relationships with everyone sharing the same common goal of making something greater than themselves.

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For Paul, it was about the journey and leading those around him on the path to something bigger. He believed in people and wanted to create a platform for people to excel and to help other people.

We aim to treat acute conditions resulting directly from the disaster but also run into many cases of chronic illnesses which we are prepared to treat. In addition to medical relief, we also regularly supply MRE’s and water filtration devices. On a typical international deployment, a team of 7 will see 500 patients in 6 days and provide capability to treat 10,000,000 gallons of clean water.

Domestically, ROWW deploys teams to assist with post-disaster clean up. We clear access ways, remove dangerous trees, muck and gut homes, and otherwise assist in clean-up efforts.

ROWW operates on the philosophy that by making a difference in just one person’s life, the world has been changed for the better. By doing so, we strive to elevate Paul’s simple idea of helping others to create a lasting legacy he would be proud of and will be forever felt worldwide.

So what is ROWW?

ROWW is a platform for like-minded individuals to make a difference in other people's lives. It started as an idea and has transformed into a culture equally benefiting the volunteer as much as the people they are assisting. It's the journey from here to there. It's turning the "I generation" into a "good will" generation. It's giving good people not just a voice but a chance to act. It has become far greater than any one member. It has become a small symbol of hope.

By making a difference in just one person's life, the world has been changed for the better.

Our team

Our Volunteers

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ROWW was founded on a boots-on-the-ground philosophy and get-your-hands-dirty mentality. Our work is almost entirely fueled by volunteer manpower.

We couldn't do what we do without our volunteers. You are the ones who are physically changing the world for the better. You make up the force behind each deployment and are the true inspiration behind ROWW.


Meet Our Board & Staff


Paul Walker



Cody Walker

Chief Executive Officer


Ron Dorfman

Board Director


Gary Margolis

Board Director

Felicia WALKER

Felicia Walker

Chief Operating Officer


Shawn Costa

Director of Operations


Randal Smothers

Business Development

Jill Ashlock

Jill Ashlock

Deployment Operations Lead